Developer's custom logo.

Tyler Evans | Web Developer

About Me

Headshot photo of Tyler Evans

Hello and welcome to this portfolio! My name is Tyler Evans. I am a native Floridian that has moved up and down the east coast for the majority of my life. I consider Port St. Lucie, my current residence, to be my hometown. I am currently a student attending the University of Central Florida's Full-Stack Flex Program. Technology, web development, and graphic design had always peaked my interest growing up. Upon exiting high school however, I decided to pursue music education as a career path. I cannot say that I regret choosing this career path initially for if I had not, then I would constantly be pondering the question "what if", while working in another career. I will cherish the memories made in music education forever while working towards an exciting future in web development.

My Projects

Picture of a calculator web application.

Books Vs Movies

Made collaboratively in a group of 4.

Picture of a tic-tac-toe board application.

Game Getter

Made collaboratively in a group of 4.

Image of the Horiseon website on initial load-up.

Filler caption

Filler text

Image displays the developer's custom made logo; an avatar in a suit within a golden lyre.

Graphic Design

To explore my creative side, I dabble in graphic design with Adobe Illustrator as a hobby. I enjoy crafting logos that hold symbolic meaning to their respective brand's identity.

Logo design of a monarch butterfly with a M in the center. The head and antennae of the butterfly resemble a musical note. The design resembles a superhero's chest emblem. Below the design reads: 'Monarch Musicians. Practice. Persevere. Perform.'

Content Creation

In my past career as an elementary music educator, I supplemented my instructional resources with videos that ran through my educational YouTube channel. While working full-time, I taught myself audio and video editing skills to create an engaging experience of musical content for my students.

Contact Me